Thursday, July 29, 2010

Intersection Intervention Misfires

Today we tried an intersection intervention like some in Burlington. We targeted Staples Plaza eastbound. There was a kind of group-think going on in the planning of it. Although Todd LeBlanc, South Burlington Police, clearly indicated that he would be targeting cars, nobody thought to question the wisdom of stopping all the cars trying to get out of Burlington at rush hour to give them a flyer about sharing the road with bikes and pedestrians. It just pissed them off. Some just weren't sure why they were being held up.

Rick did get to talk to some bicyclists, and that seemed worthwhile, but the wholesale distribution to every motor vehicle was a bad idea.

At least Jason figured it out after only 15 minutes, and we called off the intervention.
We will re-think the concept and clarify our goals of meeting a balanced group of motorists, bicyclists and walkers. Somewhere else.

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